5001 | Dispersion stability analyzer (Turbiscan Classic, TMA2000) |
5506 | "Berty" type catalyst testing reactor with internal recirculation (up to 550°C and 200 bar) (AUTOCLAVE ENGINEERS) |
5323 | Anionic polimerization system |
5601 | Atomic absorption spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, AAnalyst 700) |
5510 | Automated glass batch reactor (4 L) (Figmay) |
5105 | Automatic distiller (Figmay, FM4) |
5112 | Biocatalysis reaction systems (thermostatic baths, reactor volume upto 50 mL) (Electronics Lab-CCT Bahía Blanca) |
5310 | Blown film extruder (Maqtor) |
5215 | Breathing Simulator (BRS 100i) (Copley) |
5207 | Cascade Impactor - Next Generation Impactor (NGI) (COPLEY SCIENTIFIC) |
5002 | Centrifugal partical size analyzer (Shimadzu, SA-CP3) |
5005 | Colorimeter (Hunter lab, UltraScan XE) |
5216 | Critical Flow Controller (TPK 100i) (Copley) |
5306 | Cryo Ultramicrotome (Leica UCT, EM FCS) |
5214 | DataPhysics OCA 15 (DataPhysics) |
5703 | Deadweight tester (Fluke, P334) |
5303 | Differential scanning calorimeter (Perkin Elmer, DSC Pyris I) |
5304 | Differential scanning calorimeter (TA Instruments, Discovery) |
5204 | Dissolution apparatus (AGILENT, 708 DS) |
5605 | Distillation column (30 L)/Packing Raschig rings (Figmay) |
5301 | Dynamic Analyzer (Rheometrics, RDA II) |
5322 | Dynamic Rheometer (TA Instruments, AR-G2) |
5701 | Electronic moisture analyzer (capacity 35g, resolution 0.01%) (Sartorius, MA35) |
5102 | Elemental Analyzer (Perkin Elmer, Series II CHNS/O Analyzer 2400) |
5716 | Emulsion breaking unit |
5708 | Extraction column for supercritical fractionation. Bench scale. |
5011 | Falling film evaporator (pilot plant scale) (Baylor ESL LTD , B.E.S.P 00315) |
5613 | Filtration system (50 L) (Figmay) |
5206 | Fluidized-bed granulator: laboratory and pilot plant scales |
5501 | Fully porgrammable pump (5 sc/min) (GILSON, Modelo 307) |
5503 | Furnace (upto 200º C) (Garmont) |
5007/5709 | Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionization Detector (FID) (Agilent, 7820A) and Headspace sampler (Agilent, 7697A) |
5008/5603 | Gas chromatograph/Flame Ionization Detector (FID) (Hewlett Packard, HP 4890D) |
5103 | Gas chromatograph/Flame Ionization Detector (FID)/Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) (Perkin Elmer, AutoSystem XL) |
5006/5604 | Gas chromatograph/Flame Ionization Detector (FID)/Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) (Perkin Elmer, Clarus 580) |
5502 | Gas chromatograph/Mass spectrometer (Hewlett Packard, HP5890) |
5104 | Gas chromatograph/Mass spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, Clarus 500 ) |
5101 | Gas sorption analyzer for surface area and micropore size (Quantachrome, AUTOSORB IQ) |
5513 | Glass batch reactors for liquid-gas and liquid-liquid reactions |
5508 | Glass lined steel pilot scale reactor (75 L, upto 200°C and 10 bar) (Pfaudler) |
5611 | Glass reactor vessel (25 L) (Figmay) |
5612 | Glass reactor vessel (50 L) (Figmay) |
5307 | High performance liquid chromatograph (Waters) |
5710 | High pressure densimeter and viscosimeter |
5715 | High pressure high temperature continuous tubular reactor (bench scale) |
5714 | High pressure high temperature micro reactor and separator |
5010 | High pressure liquid chromatograph (Waters Alliance, e2695) |
5009 | High pressure liquid chromatograph (Waters, 600) |
5111 | High pressure reactor with stirrer shaft (1000 mL) (Parr Instrument Company, Model 4565-Control Model 4831) |
5110 | High pressure reactor/magnetic stirring (100 mL) (Parr Instrument Company, Model 4592-Control Model 4842) |
5610 | High pressure reactor/magnetic stirring (1000 mL) (Parr Instrument Company, Model 4560-Control Model 4842) |
5712 | High pressure Soxhlet extractor |
5705 | High pressure variable volume equilimbrum chamber |
5308 | High temperature gel permeation crhomatograph (Viscotek HT-GPC) |
5706 | High temperature high pressure equilibrium chambers |
5320 | Impact hammer (CSI) |
5313 | Infrared espectrometer with optical microscope (Thermo Nicolet, Nexus FT-IR) |
5317 | Injection moulding machine (Fluidmec, HF-60) |
5609 | IR interferometer (DRIFTS-FTIR) (Thermo Scientific, NICOLET 6700 ) |
5324 | Karl Fischer titrator/Karl Fsicher oven (Mettler, DL18-DO305) |
5702 | Laboratory analytical balance (capacity 220g, resolution 0.0001 g) (Sartorius, 224-15) |
5212 | Laboratory scale Hammer mill ( (Perten LM120, Perten Instruments AB) |
5210 | Laboratory sieves and sieve shaker (ZonyTest) |
5202 | Laser diffraction particle size analyzer (Horiba, LA 950-V2) |
5707 | Low pressure solid-liquid equilibrium chamber |
5012 | Lyophilizer (Rificor, L-A-B3-C) |
5309 | Mechanical tester (Instron, 3369) |
5201 | Moisture analyser (Ohaus, M45) |
5109 | Muffle furnace (SIMCIC) |
5316 | Multi-Angle static Light Scattering detector (Wyatt Technology, Dawn® DSP) |
5208 | Nano spray dryer: laboratory scale (Büchi, B-90) |
5311 | Oxygen permeability analyzer (Mocon, Ox-Tran 2/21 MH) |
5003 | Particle size and zeta potential analyzer (Malvern Instruments, Zetasizer 3000) |
5509 | PID-Micromeritics Microactivity Reference commercial unit equipped with a fixed bed reactor located in a vertical ceramic furnace (Effi) |
5205 | Pneumatic conveying system: pilot plant scale |
5319 | Polarized light microscope |
5305 | QUV Accelerated Weathering Tester (Q-Lab, QUV/Spray) |
5013 | Rancimat (Metrohm, 679) |
5321 | Reactors (Parr) |
5014 | Rotational rheometer (Anton Paar, Physica MCR301) |
5315 | Single screw extruder with cutting device (Maqtor) |
5511 | Split-hinge tube furnace (Indef) |
5504 | Split-hinge tube furnace for tubular reactors, integrated temperature control (upto 1200 ºC) (HEAREAEUS) |
5108 | Split-hinge tube furnace, three temperature control zones (Lindberg) |
5209 | Spray dryer: laboratory scale (Büchi, B-290) |
5213 | Spraytec (Malvern Panalytical) |
5512 | Stainless steel batch reactors for liquid-gas and liquid-liquid reactions (1 L and 0.6 L, upto 300 ºC and 30 bar) (PARR) |
5507 | Stainless steel pilot scale reactor (150 L, upto 250°C and 50 bar) (Pfaudler) |
5713 | Supercritical extractor |
5602 | Surface area analyzer (Quantachrome, NOVA 1200e) |
5514 | Syngas Analyzer (Gasboard 3100)(Hubei Cubic-Ruiyi Instrument Co., Ltd. ) |
5203 | Tablet disintegration tester (Scout) |
5704 | Temperature calibrator (Isotech, Fast Cal Medium) |
5004 | Texture analyzer (Lloyd Instruments, TA Plus) |
5606 | Thermal conductivity detector (Gow-Mac power supply) (MAC Instrument Co., Modelo40-001) |
5302 | Thermogravimetric analyzer with infrared spectrometer (TA Instruments, TGA 5500) |
5318 | Thermoplastics blender (Brabender, Plastograph) |
5314 | Thermoplastics extruder (Göttfert) |
5505 | Tube furnaces for tubular reactors, external temperature control (upto 1200 ºC) |
5211 | Twin screw granulator (Three Tec ZE 9 ECO, Three Tec GmbH) |
5614 | Ultrafiltration system (HBT-UF , 5002) |
5607 | Ultrapure water system (Sartorius, Arium Pro-UF) |
5107 | UV visible spectrophotometer (PG Instruments, T60) |
5608 | Vacuum furnaces (Cole Parmer) |
5106 | Water analysis bench device for pH, ORP, conductivity, TDS, salinity, resistivity and temperature measurements (OHAUS, Starter 3100M) |
5711 | Water vapor extractor |
5312 | Water vapor permability analyzer (Mocon, Permatran W 3/33) |